Tänään on kansainvälinen vammaisten päivä, jonka teemana on tänä vuonna tietoyhteiskunnan saavutettavuus, E-Accessibility.

”Access to information and communication technologies creates opportunities to everyone in society, but perhaps no-more so than for persons with disabilities. No longer do the societal barriers of prejudice, infrastructure, and inaccessible formats stand in the way of participation. When available to everyone, information technologies foster individuals to reach their full potential, and for persons with disabilities it allows them to play their part in society’s development.

[…] The theme for this year’s International Day of Disabled Persons (3 December 2006) is accessibility to information technologies, and the day will be referred to as E-Accessibility Day. Through its efforts, and collaboration with others, the United Nations aims to raise appreciation among Governments, private entities and the public of the significant benefits to persons with disabilities and society when they are empowered with increased access to information technologies.”

Suomen tietoyhteiskuntaohjelman sivuilla päivää ei noteerata millään tavalla. Siinäpä meille tietoyhteiskunnan saavutettavuutta koko valtakunnan mitalla!