Reilu kuukausi sitten puheenaiheena oli hetken aikaa UpCode-sovellus, jonka tarkoituksena on tuoda HKL:n pysäkkiaikataulut kännykkään. Ensimmäinen näkemäni käyttäjäpalaute ei ole kovin mairittelevaa luettavaa:

”You can install a special Java or Symbian application (well, a few people can), get down on your knees to be close enough to the symbol, launch the upcode application, hope it starts without problems and is able communicate with the camera, snap a photo of the upcode, hope it is clear enough and – like magic – it will take you to a web page without you having to manually punch in the tram stop number ’0105’. However, just in case one of the steps mentioned above fails, or you don’t want to stand on your knees hoping for a clear picture, they have that number printed in plain text as well so you can punch in the four digits manually.

I wonder what the companies that did NOT get venture capital funding where trying to peddle.”

Meniköhän jossain jotain vikaan?