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Blogin DNA

Muistatteko vielä Websites as graphs -blogikaaviot? Entä henkilökohtaisen DNA:n? Loogisena jatkumona nyt on saatavana myös verkkosivun DNA:

Matkalla: web2dna

Ja näin sitä tulkitaan:

”The brightness of the lines is determined by the importance of the tags in terms of structure.

  • H1 is brighter than H2, which is brighter than H3.
  • TABLE is brighter than TR, which is brighter than TD tags.
  • Images and flash elements appear as 70% white.
  • New HTML tags like STRONG and EM is brighter than older ones like B and I
  • UL, OL and DL is brighter than their LI, DT, DD
  • DIV layout is brighter than table layout

Basically a semantically rich site will appear brighter than one with messy old-style code. You can also determine the richness of text on a site. A site the focuses on (text) content is one where the DNA patterns is large (filling many containers), but contains a lot of empty spaces between the lines (empty space is the individual words).”

Lisää: WEB2DNA – the art project.


  1. Lauri

    Kai huomasit, että kuvan väriksi pystyi valitsemaan muunkin kuin punaisen. :)

  2. Marjut

    Tietenkin. Mutta miksi ihmeessä olisin valinnut jotain muuta? :-)

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