The Handsome Man

You scored 121 variable 1!

Congratulations you aren’t hideously deformed, and in fact you are better than the average person. Your inner beauty truly shines as you are one of the select few with a kind and good heart. You just barely missed out on being one of the few who can call themselves a Devine Hero.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 99% on goodness

Link: The What SHOULD you look like Test written by Flu102 on OkCupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test [via]

Tämäpä hämmentävää. Testin mukaan minun pitäisikin olla komea mies. Tai ehkä tässä piilee jokin syvempi totuus, mutta epäilen kyllä sitä vahvasti…