Onpa tästä oltu Suomessa hissukseen, vaikka uutisoimisen aihetta totisesti olisi – onhan Suomi eittämättä ollut osallisena: Web accessibility to be mandatory in Europe?

”The 25 EC member states and nine accession countries have all signed up to a new inclusion plan that could make accessibility in e-procurement mandatory. The 34 countries all signed an agreement in Riga yesterday [13.6.], committing themselves to the ’internet for all’ action plan, designed to ensure the most web-disadvantaged groups can get online.

[…] The question of accessibility for disabled people looms large in the EC’s plan for inclusion too. The Commission is studying the possible introduction of mandatory accessibility standards in public procurement, to be brought in by 2010. The EC is also considering legislation to improve e-accessibility.”

Sieltä se tulee. [via]