Taustamusiikkia käyttäjälähtöiselle digitalisaatiolle


Käytettävyysaiheisia linkkejä viime päiviltä:

Informaatioarkkitehtuurista ja visuaalisuudesta: Why visual form matters for information architecture. ”Implicit and explicit memory are based on separate memory systems, located in separate parts of the brain. These two memory systems can act in concern or in contradiction to one another. Designers can use both, in very different ways, to aid in better information retrieval.”

Hyvä yhteenveto käyttäjien erilaisista tarpeista: 3 sets of user needs. ”One final thing to note is the dynamic nature of users’ perception of needs. An excitement factor is only exciting once.”

Moniajon vaikeudesta: Making Senses of Design. ”Our current environment is filled with distractions, both on the virtual desktop and in the office environment itself. We need to combine the knowledge of what our limitations (and our strengths) are with an understanding of the context within which our target users work.”


  1. pni

    Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today’s events.
    -Albert Einstein

  2. Marjut

    Elä muuta virka.

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