Zeldman pistää pitkästä aikaa halki, poikki ja pinoon: Production for Use. Tähän ei ole oikeastaan mitään lisättävää.

”Design and usability are not enemies. They are really two parts of the same art and science. We separate them because we are a specialist culture, and in so doing, we promote limited thinking, deep misunderstandings, and pointless antagonism between people who should be allies. On the web, graphic design, site architecture, and usability should be understood as component parts of a single thing — I call it web design, you may call it user experience or who knows what.

Okay, and to finish, the same thing applies to web standards. I am coming to believe that talking about web standards without considering design, architecture, and usability does little good. Understood properly, I believe that web standards are simply a component of good usability and good architecture.”