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Kategoria: Herkut (Page 2 of 45)

Herkut 28.11.2008

Herkut 27.11.2008

Herkut 23.11.2008

Herkut 16.11.2008

  • People are from earth. Machines are from outer space. I don’t know what kind of manners they teach in outer space, but if machines are going to live here in our world, they really need to learn to behave properly. You know, when on Earth, do as the earthlings do. So, hey machines, you need to become socialized. Right now you are arrogant, antisocial, irritating know-it-alls. Sure, you say nice things like "please" and "thank you," but being polite involves more than words.
  • In website usability, one of the hardest obstacles to overcome is the mentality of "This is what I would do." Whenever we hear Person A (or B or C or D, etc.) say this phrase, it means that Person A is not focused on users. It means that Person A is superimposing his or her personal beliefs and characteristics onto users. In search usability, we also dread hearing this phrase. Whenever we hear, "Well, this is what I would do," then we know that Person A (or B or C or D, etc.) is not focused on searchers. However, if you tell Person A that he/she is not focused on searchers, the immediate response is typically denial or defiance. Of course Person A is focused on searchers! Search usability professionals must deal with these preconceived notions about search all of the time. Here are some guidelines to help other SEO professionals effectively respond to this somewhat misguided mentality.
  • People getting into design research often wonder what gear they need. While there’s some interesting concepts for dedicated research hardware, a camera and a notebook are enough to do great things. You may not be tackling complex ethnographic study, or a granular time and motion analysis, but for gaining insight into real world context, getting out of your office and being with your users is fundamental and isn’t rocket science. Like many dedicated research consultants point out, being *good* at field work takes practice and dedication. But getting started just takes getting out the door and looking at the world in a different way. And sometimes, to capture that different way, you need a camera. But which one?
  • Interaction designers answer three questions: How do you do? How do you feel? How do you know? Even the simplest appliance requires doing, feeling and knowing. I can flip a light switch and see (feel?) the light come on; what I need to know is the mapping from switch to light. The greater the distance from input (switch) to output (light)- the more difficult and varied are the possible conceptual models – the longer the delay between doing and feeling, the more dependent I am on having good knowledge.
  • How difficult can it be? See Jaiku!
  • From this study, it can be seen that both genders appreciate ease of use in a product and that women focused on form over function as evidenced through certain keywords, alternatively suggesting that they may be willing to learn how to handle a product later if at first they feel that it looks good. On the other hand, men focused on functionality, and also image-driven factors established by iconicity, while including an interest in technological advancements.

Herkut 13.11.2008

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