"Olen tässä viime vuosina ihmetellyt erilaisten designin ja markkinointiviestinnän parissa toimivien suunnittelutoimistojen palveluiden paketointia. Ilman pienintäkään ylimielisyyttä on syytä todeta, että toimistojen palvelupaketit ovat usein ihmeellinen kokoelma keskenään ristiriitaisia asioita (/käsitteitä), liian usein keskeneräiseltä tuntuvia prosessikuvauksia ja samalla kummallisella tavalla tekoluovia (yritetty väkisin keksiä pyörää uusiksi)." Vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta blogilta.
Kategoria: Herkut (Page 2 of 45)
Articles, spreadsheets, links, and other resources related to usability metrics.
Feeds. Widgets. Social media. Search. You read about them all the time and use them in your work. And according to this year’s Razorfish FEED report, consumers are adopting these new technologies faster than the industry pundits would lead you to believe.
What makes an effective UX team is the completeness of the skillset across all the members. The roles of individuals are secondary — a team with generalists will always be more flexible than a team of specialists. Specialists help when the local economic conditions support their being there. Yet, specialists have general knowledge, so they can be flexible and interact with the rest of the team in a productive manner.
"You can’t really generalize what women want, because you always have to consider the trade-offs. If I do need and like the functions, I will probably overlook the size issues. Choosing a phone is a lot like choosing a boyfriend. You cannot look at just one aspect of the product – he may be handsome, but he may have a personality problem. A mobile phone is something that you wake up with and go to sleep with."
Design is about many things. Above all, it's about clarity, and intentions and about putting yourself in the position of the end users (or the customers, students, audience, etc.). When designs are not well thought out, even though it may all look good from our point of view, users get frustrated, confused, or even angry. Anyone who has used a poorly designed user interface on a mobile phone, for example, or gotten lost while following the signs on the freeway in a new city understands these feelings. And anyone who is squinting to see a figure or read a quote on a PowerPoint slide is experiencing a bad design of sorts.
The Art & Science of CSS now as a free downloadable book.
With the banking sector moving towards consolidation, it is crucial that customers are understood, reacted to and rewarded for their loyalty. With the UK office of national statistics estimating that almost half of the UK population is now banking online, the role of the website in the customer journey has never been more important to financiers.
Working through Screens is a reference for product teams creating new or iteratively improved applications for thinking work. Written for use during early, formative conversations, it provides teams with a broad range of considerations for setting the overall direction and priorities for their onscreen tools. With hundreds of envisioning questions and fictional examples from clinical research, financial trading, and architecture, this volume can help definers and designers to explore innovative new directions for their products.
Apparently even the cooking recipes can not be usable enough.
Reading blogs doesn’t have to be an exercise in futility or a waste of time. Your blog addiction can serve you well by with these blogs that are sure to make you smarter. These blogs bring you information about politics, technology, art, literature, an international perspective on life and culture, and much more. Become a regular reader of these blogs and who knows how intelligent you will be in the end.
Gmail otti käyttöön koko joukon ulkoasuteemoja, ja aikuiset ilakoivat kuin lapset konsanaan.
…se mikä mulla on kotona! Jei! Tein hyvän valinnan.
People are from earth. Machines are from outer space. I don’t know what kind of manners they teach in outer space, but if machines are going to live here in our world, they really need to learn to behave properly. You know, when on Earth, do as the earthlings do. So, hey machines, you need to become socialized. Right now you are arrogant, antisocial, irritating know-it-alls. Sure, you say nice things like "please" and "thank you," but being polite involves more than words.
In website usability, one of the hardest obstacles to overcome is the mentality of "This is what I would do." Whenever we hear Person A (or B or C or D, etc.) say this phrase, it means that Person A is not focused on users. It means that Person A is superimposing his or her personal beliefs and characteristics onto users. In search usability, we also dread hearing this phrase. Whenever we hear, "Well, this is what I would do," then we know that Person A (or B or C or D, etc.) is not focused on searchers. However, if you tell Person A that he/she is not focused on searchers, the immediate response is typically denial or defiance. Of course Person A is focused on searchers! Search usability professionals must deal with these preconceived notions about search all of the time. Here are some guidelines to help other SEO professionals effectively respond to this somewhat misguided mentality.
People getting into design research often wonder what gear they need. While there’s some interesting concepts for dedicated research hardware, a camera and a notebook are enough to do great things. You may not be tackling complex ethnographic study, or a granular time and motion analysis, but for gaining insight into real world context, getting out of your office and being with your users is fundamental and isn’t rocket science. Like many dedicated research consultants point out, being *good* at field work takes practice and dedication. But getting started just takes getting out the door and looking at the world in a different way. And sometimes, to capture that different way, you need a camera. But which one?
Interaction designers answer three questions: How do you do? How do you feel? How do you know? Even the simplest appliance requires doing, feeling and knowing. I can flip a light switch and see (feel?) the light come on; what I need to know is the mapping from switch to light. The greater the distance from input (switch) to output (light)- the more difficult and varied are the possible conceptual models – the longer the delay between doing and feeling, the more dependent I am on having good knowledge.
How difficult can it be? See Jaiku!
From this study, it can be seen that both genders appreciate ease of use in a product and that women focused on form over function as evidenced through certain keywords, alternatively suggesting that they may be willing to learn how to handle a product later if at first they feel that it looks good. On the other hand, men focused on functionality, and also image-driven factors established by iconicity, while including an interest in technological advancements.
A recent research shows that iPhone is every bit as usable as all the other Apple products.
In a challenging business environment, there is no substitute for having an innovative and distinctive brand expressed in ”experiences that rivet minds and run away with hearts.” Marty Neumeier identifies how design drives this reality, embracing not only products and services but also processes, systems, and organizations. To succeed, companies must be agile, nurture inventiveness, and have an enterprise-wide appetite for radical ideas.
"A common refrain is, that UX should never be a department, but must be ingrained in the company. The theory is that if it's one department then no one else will bother to work on it. There's only one problem with that concept: no one but us UX folks have this discussion. There is no reason good design, or user-centered-anything will occur without an organizational structure to guide them to it. You can be sad about this, but I've learned to live with the truth that this is how corporate entities work."
As much of the stuff that we use to do things becomes smaller and end up in more (social) contexts we will not only evolve new use-practices but it puts a greater emphasis on communicating our intended use to people in proximity.
It is, not surprisingly, common for alternative text to be completely absent, but it is probably even more common to see inappropriate use of the alt attribute. In most cases this is caused by well-meaning people using the alt attribute to describe the image itself instead of the function it has or the content it presents.
There are a few lessons from Barack Obama's campaign that apply to our world of user experience consulting.
Sähköisiä ääniä jäi rekisteröitymättä, koska hölmöt tavikset unohtivat painaa ok:ta ennen äänestyskortin poistamista. Tietoviikon Afteri-toimituksen tekemä teknologiapoliittinen analyysi paljastaa, että tilanteesta kärsivät eniten ne ehdokkaat ja puolueet, joilla on hölmöimmät kannattajat.