Constantly updated list of technology predictions for 2009, a round-up of what some of the leading industry prognosticators are saying about what they think is in store for everyone's favorite pervasive global network next year.
Next year is all about nichetributes, luxyoury and econcierge, to name a few of the key trends.
IDEO's How-to Guide offers principles of design for social impact and a menu of offerings for types of social impact engagements that might make sense for your firm.
Anyone who works with fast moving technology knows that there is always a new shiny tool that gets all the attention. It tends to change every few months and anytime you start to use a new tool, you do secretly wonder if it will be around all that long. By any measure, Twitter has passed these boundaries. It has been around for several years. Every day more and more people discover it and it's usefulness in their personal lives. Yet many of the people who declare themselves "converted" and have opened Twitter accounts aren't getting the best benefit.
Sosiaalinen media tarjoaa yrityksille merkittäviä liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia, mutta vaatii ajattelutavan uudistamista ja avoimuutta. Parhaita osaajia ei enää synny pelkästään koulun penkeillä ja yrityksissä, vaan yritysten ulkopuolella on paljon internetissä itseoppineita eri alojen asiantuntijoita, joiden osaaminen yritysten tulisi hyödyntää. Luovien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien kehittäminen sosiaalisessa mediassa vaatii myös innovatiivisia muutosagentteja.