Operan pääpomo Håkon Wium Lie on kirjoittanut avoimen kirjeen verkon kehittäjäyhteisölle, jossa hän kertoo miksi Opera on valittanut Microsoftin monopoliaseman väärinkäytöstä Euroopan komission tuomioistuimeen:
”Opera has filed a formal complaint with the European Commission to force Microsoft to support open Web standards in its Web browser, Internet Explorer. We believe that Microsoft has harmed Web standards by refusing to support them; Microsoft often participates in creating Web standards, promoting them, and even promising to implement them. Despite their talent, however, they refuse to support Web standards correctly. For example, Internet Explorer is the only modern Web browser that does not support Acid2.
Opera has also requested that Microsoft frees Internet Explorer from the Windows platform. We feel that they have used their market dominating position to limit a genuine choice of browsers on the Web for their own commercial gain.”
Hyvä Opera!
Lehdistötiedote: Opera files antitrust complaint with the EU
Avoin kirje: Opera files complaint – an open letter to the Web community
Digitoday: Opera syyttää Microsoftia monopoliaseman väärinkäytöstä
(Tämä kirjoitus on julkaistu myös Saavutettava.fi:ssä.)